Quantum Nutrition Testing (QNT)

The first assessment your Naturiopathic Dr will do to assess the overall health of the patient. These types of assessments, which can be done in person or virtually, utilizes qualitative and quantitative data to evaluate the wellbeing and health problems of a patient.
What is included in this New Patient Appointment:
A QNT Muscle Test Full Body Scan done by your practitioner. This will help determine the body systems that are imbalanced and help find the root cause or reason why.
Your practitioner will take the results of this test and create a customized Report of Findings and go over everything with you including future appointment recommendations, cost and protocols suggested.

Dr. Kristie Hess-Newton


Quantum Nutrition Testing via Muscle Testing

BioFeedback From Your Body

Muscle testing is a kind of body biofeedback that can be used to evaluate changes in the body’s subtle energetic field. Muscle testing as an assessment tool can be a valuable adjunct to practitioners in helping them determine the nature of imbalances and the therapeutic priority. The art and skill of muscle testing is important in having consistent, accurate and replicable results.  It has been used by practitioners for over 60 years.

All types of stress (biochemical, electromagnetic, physical, emotional, mental) have an impact on the body’s energy field and subsequently register on the nervous system, which will affect muscle response. We can monitor that response through muscle testing.

Muscle testing is a wonderful tool that can help in the assessment of imbalances and evaluation of optimal corrective procedures. It can help one to determine an individualized program particularly on individuals who don’t respond to the standard allopathic regimes. It is an art that requires a certain amount of physical skill both in its application and interpretation. 

Schecule Your QNT Session

InnerCleanse Wellness Center

65529 SR 15 , Suite B
Goshen, IN



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