Rediscover Wellness with Colonics

Book your Colonics appointment at InnerCleanse Wellness Center today

Colonics is a gentle, holistic method of cleansing the colon. At InnerCleanse Wellness Center, we believe in the power of natural healing. Colonics, or colon hydrotherapy, is a safe, effective method of removing toxins from your body, promoting overall wellness. This non-invasive procedure can help restore your digestive system's natural balance, boost your energy levels, and even support weight loss. In the tranquil surroundings of our Goshen clinic, our skilled practitioners guide you through each step, ensuring a comfortable, revitalizing experience. 


It's essential to be aware of specific health conditions that may make colon hydrotherapy unsafe. It's crucial for patients to disclose any known medical conditions before undergoing colonic hydrotherapy to ensure their safety and well-being. If any of the following apply to you, we would require a doctor’s note or prescription to have a service. 

Abdominal Hernia, Diverticulitis, Abdominal Surgery, Fissures/Fistulas, Hemorrhoids, Acute Liver Failure, Hemorrhoidectomy, Anemia, Intestinal Perforation(s) Aneurysm (any type), Lupus, Cancer of the Colon, Current Knowledge/Possibility of Pregnancy, Cardiac Condition (i.e., uncontrolled hypertension, congestive heart failure), Crohn's Disease, Colitis, Rectal/Colon Surgery, Renal Insufficiencies, Hemorrhaging, Dialysis Patient, Diverticulosis, Rectal Bleeding

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The LIBBE Colonic Irrigation Device is an FDA-registered Class II device for colon cleansing when medically indicated, such as before radiological or endoscopic examination.

A Colonic or colon irrigation takes place in a private room, affording the patient both modesty and dignity and the practitioner ease-of-use. The LIBBE Device is comfortable and allows the patient the simple release of the contents of the large Intestine (colon) during a 40–45-minute session.

Colon Hydrotherapy is referred to as Colonic or colon irrigation. These are different names for hydrotherapy which uses filtered water for inner cleansing. Colon Hydrotherapy is a clean and comfortable treatment.

The small nozzle is easily self inserted to cleanse (evacuate) the contents of your lower colon. Your dignity is always maintained! The system is designed to allow evacuation of the contents of the colon during the administration of colon hydrotherapy. Professional Colonic Devices have systems, that the pressure, temperature, and flow of water, are all safely regulated throughout the session. The water is purified with an Ultra Violet Water Purification System. The LIBBE Device is comfortable and may be operated in privacy for those who prefer solitude. There is no odor! Odor is whisked away thru the sewer drain pipe. A Colonic is also Used as a non-laxative preparation for colonoscopy or when medically indicated. Clients describe the session as Comfortable & Clean!

The water has the potential to reach the cecum or beginning of the ascending colon which can allow for a deeper cleanse. Removes fecal matter from lower bowel or fecal impaction.

Great for constipation, fecal impaction, or general cleaning for a healthy colon.

Dr. Kristie Hess-Newton