Welcome to the Chi Machine Session

A holistic approach to enhance your wellbeing

Our Chi Machine Session uses a unique device to stimulate your body's energy flow, or 'Chi.' Gently rocking side to side, it helps promote oxygen circulation, relieves stress, boosts energy levels, and enhances overall wellness. This simple, non-invasive therapy is designed to align body and mind, inviting a sense of calm and rejuvenation. Experience the serenity of Chi balancing at InnerCleanse Wellness Center.

Try Combining a Couple Therapies Together

Try the Chi Machine and the Brain Tap Together For a Great Relaxation and Detox Session

As the Brain Tap takes you into a state of meditation and relaxation, allow the Chi Machine to move your lymphatic and circulation systems, bringing more bloodflow and cleansing the system from head to toe!

Book Your Chi Machine Session Here Book Your Brain Tap Session Here

The Chi Machine offers many benefits similar to a therapeutic massage. These benefits include temporarily relief of minor muscle aches, pains, and tension caused by fatigue or overexertion. It temporarily increases circulation. It also locally relaxes muscles promoting a greater sense of well-being! According to an Australian study, it promotes lymphatic drainage and movement. Recent studies have even shown that massage may benefit Anxiety, Stress, Insomnia, Fibromyalgia, Lymphedema, and Headaches.

If you have problems with:
-Lack of Exercise
-Poor Circulation
-Tired and Sore Muscles
-General Aches & Pain
-Period Pains or Anemia
-Maintaining a Healthy Weight
-Chronic Inflammation, Toxicity and Stress
-Poor Digestion or Constipation
-Bone Spurs
-Back Pain or Lower Back Pain
-Poor Functioning Internal Organs
-Asthma and Tracheal Inflammation
-Chronic Health Conditions
Several Sessions on the Chi Machine could benefit you!

The gentle passive aerobic rhythmic movement of the Chi Machine may heighten your body's detoxification and support healing. It oscillates from right to left or left to right, approximately 144 times per minute. In just 15 minutes it gives your body the equivalent benefit of 1½ hours of walking. It may firm your hips, thighs, and abdomen and often will support a healthy weight. The figure-8 motion of the machine is similar to the movement of a goldfish. This movement has a marked beneficial effect on the human body. It temporarily relaxes the muscles throughout the body, including the back, neck, and shoulders. It may also improve the flow of chi or energy, as well as relieving muscular aches and pains throughout the body. It performs a pure aerobic activity and operates at the best oscillation speed to promote deep breathing and temporarily improve circulation. It can rejuvenate every aspect of your body while you lie on the floor with your ankles resting on the machine. It is important to breathe deeply and think happy, calming thoughts while using the original machine. If you have less muscular aches, it will help to promote relaxation and more restful sleep. It does the work, and you get the benefits of its movement and therapeutic massage. Massage is great for promoting the circulation of blood and movement of the lymphatic system.