Symptoms involving the brain include brain fog, poor focus, concentration and memory, both long term and short term. Are you experiencing brain fog? Forget where you put your keys or glasses? Having trouble navigating a common driving route?


In 20 relaxing minutes a day you can get the same benefits that thousands of clinical clients have seen over the last three decades.

These users regularly report that BrainTap:

  • Reduces or eliminates brain fog and negative mind chatter
  • Helps increase energy
  • Promoted relaxation, which contributes to Healthy Sleep Habits
  • Reduced unwanted habits and behaviors
  • Enhanced productivity, memory, focus and creativity
  • Improved quality of life

Whether you want to overcome stress eating, conquer a bad habit, instill a positive mindset, advance your career, master a sport, enhance learning, write the Great American Novel, get your body super fit or simply regain your health and vitality, BrainTap is for you!

Brain Tap is proven to help you...

THINK BETTER-The power to maintain perspective and a clear mind while learning quickly.

SLEEP BETTER-The tools to get to sleep fast and sleep deeply, restoring health and balance.

PERFORM BETTER-The ablity to recharge your system, accessing new energy and motivation.

Activate Your Brains Peak Potential

Imagine a device that lets you reach a deeper meditative state, mental clarity, and intuition without requiring years of disciplined practice. Not only that, but the device also improves your sleep and helps you to wake up feeling refreshed and energized. You also get the added benefit of reduced worry, stress, and irritability while also supporting mental harmony and emotional stability.

That device is called the BrainTap headset. The above are just some of the many benefits of the invention.

Reviewing the Brain Tap Headset.  What does it do?

Using a series of sounds and pulsing lights, BrainTap provides you with a quicker and easier route to better relaxation. The Bluetooth-enabled headset is fitted with an LED visor and headphones that help you shut yourself out from the stressors and the rest of the world.

It is easy to use; simply load your preferred audio file using the Brain Tap App, and place the visor and headset over your head then shut your eyes.  And the Brain Tap will take you into a deep state of relaxation moving your from sympathetic (fight or flight) to parasympathetic (rest and repair) mode.

It's really that simple.

Book Your Session Now

What does it do?

Reviewing the Brain Tap Headset

I think we can all agree that from time to time we get caught up in this fast paced world.  Forgetting to stop and "smell the roses" as they say.  Sometimes life's fast pace makes it literally impossible to slow down, let alone stop to rest and relax.  This is where BrainTap would come in. Also, if you’ve never tried meditation or had the time to train yourself to meditate, then the BrainTap headset might be just what you need. 

Using a series of sounds and pulsing lights, BrainTap provides you with a quicker and easier route to better relaxation. The Bluetooth-enabled headset is fitted with an LED visor and headphones that help you shut yourself out from the stressors and the rest of the world.

It is easy to use; simply load your preferred audio file using the Brain Tap App and place the visor and headset over your head then shut your eyes and let the app and headset take you deep into relaxation and neurolinguistic brain training.

Brain Tap App and Audio Files

To aid your meditation and ease you into a deeper state, the headset has ten guided visualization sessions with over 700 audio sessions in 43 categories that are all available on-demand.  The programs are each created to help specifically with problems such as

  • insomnia
  • pain management
  • stress relief and
  • anxiety. 

Many users have reported increased relaxation, healthier sleeping habits, and improved overall quality of life.

What are Brainwave Frequencies?

In stressful situations, our brains naturally enter the fight-or-flight response. To beat the stress, the brain has to get out of it and go into the relaxation response instead.

However, the relaxation will not happen if you primarily generate high beta brainwave activity.  To relax, your brainwave activity has to go into alpha, the intuitive mind, or theta, the inventive mind.

While many believe theta to be the highest and best state for creativity and a mode in which you can make a significant leap in consciousness, theta mode can be challenging to maintain. This is where BrainTap comes in. The Frequency Follow Response (FFR) that is generated through the headset keeps your brain engaged. With regular use of BrainTap, your brain is trained to generate more alpha and theta waves and lesser beta waves.

The Four Brainwave Frequencies

Beta 13-30 Hz

In this state, you are mostly wide awake and active. The beta state is the level of your mind that is reactionary to fears, frustrations, and your negative emotions. Now, you want your brain out of this state as much as possible, as it is usually where stress resides.

Alpha 8-13 Hz

In this frequency, you experience heightened imagination, creativity, and flow. The alpha state is also the highly intuitive mind and is connected with tranquility, relaxation, and daydreaming. In this state, “inward awareness” takes place. Alpha is also a state where super-learning happens.

Theta 4-8 Hz

Theta is the inventive mind. It is the state where your life can be reinvented. It is a meditative state with access to a state of increased learning, creativity, and inspiration.  In this state, the BrainTap headset can help you visualize and achieve your goals.

Delta 1-4 Hz

In the delta state, you are in a deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the unconscious mind. With the BrainTap headset, it keeps you from falling into this state. This is achieved with the changing patterns of the headset’s light and sound throughout the session.

Brain Tap Facts

The BrainTap headset is comfortable to use, safe, and enjoyable. There are no additional efforts required to make use of the device effectively.

A twenty-minute BrainTap session increases blood flow to the brain. And with enhanced blood flow comes better concentration, imagination, memory, and improved creativity.

The device produces the relaxation response which then enhances brain chemistry by increasing the serotonin and beta-endorphin levels that calms, balances and causes you to feel more focused, happy, and alert.

Many users of the device have reported improved sleep, more energy, and optimism, and a better sense of overall wellbeing.

While brainwave technology is not new, the founders have spent years crafting and improving the technology. Several people have and continue to benefit from BrainTap’s audio-sessions daily.

The benefits are innumerable.  Here are a few of our patients reported results from using the BrainTap System. Increased Energy, Deeper Sleep, Feeling More Rested when Waking, More Motivation, Clearer Thoughts, Greater Focus, Less Stress and Anxiety, Better Concentration, Improved Memory, Greater Sports Performance

Book your Brain Tap Session today and experience true Relaxation

Building a Better Brain for Tomorrow! Click the images below to book your appointment.